Tibetan Resettlement Community
This new resettlement community, located in the foothills of the Himalayas, was developed for the Tibetans who have existed in exile in northern India since 1959. Designed to be culturally sensitive to the way people live, work, grow their food and worship, the site is along a mountain ridge bound by a reserve forest and an agribusiness parcel.
The traditional symbol of the Tibetan mandala, or prayer wheel, is reflected in the building plan of each unit and in the organization of the restricted site. The structures are seamlessly integrated into a unified community to avoid the stigma associated with institutional housing.
Rajpur, Dehradun, U.P. India
109,000 SF
His Holiness the Dali Lama
of the Tibetan Government in Exile -
Refugee Resettlement Community,
Gompa (Prayer Temple)