2014 Canstruction Competition
MTFA won Juror’s Favorite for their sculpture “Let’s TOPple Hunger One Can at a Time”
Several ideas were spun around our office, and ultimately, this simple yet structurally difficult to CANstruct idea came out on top. Our team spent a lot of time going ‘round and round to different grocery stores seeking the perfect cans for this year’s build. After a dizzying discussion, we chose a variety of canned items that can be added to many popular dishes to tip the flavor scale to savory and delectable. Or, as most families find themselves in a whirlwind when getting ready in the morning, many of the items can be tossed into a Crockpot to make a nutritious, enjoyable dinner. Just add the meat – which AFAC generously makes sure each assisted family receives. With over 20,000 cans and other nonperishable goods donated to AFAC this year, we’re sure to make the hunger problem in Arlington TOPple on its side.